Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Clayton King

We wanted to make sure everyone knew that Clayton King will be speaking at all three Sunday morning services at MABC on November 23, 2008.

Service times are 8:20am, 9:40am, and 11:00am in the FLC.

Clayton is the founder of Crossroads Worldwide and travels all over the world speaking to thousands of people every year. He has been the featured speaker at Crossroads Camp where our high school students have attended for the past several years. You don’t want to miss this Sunday! Make sure and bring someone to church with you!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Here are a few pictures from this past Sunday’s Elevate. The student ministry celebrated our first ever Love Feast as a culmination of our series Wii Fit: 40 Days of Community. In the Early Church fellowship meals were a common practice, in fact Christ himself met around the table to celebrate and remember. The Love Feast in the Early Church would be a gathering of the people for a common meal and after eating they would worship through preaching. They would also celebrate and remember the death and resurrection of Jesus through communion, the Lord’s Supper. As a student ministry we enjoyed the fellowship of the feast, celebrated the life we have in Christ as we remembered the sacrifice of Christ for our sin and then had the opportunity to worship through communion.
Everyone just hanging out before the festivities...

Let the feasting begin...


Monday, November 10, 2008

ELEVATE: Sunday Nvoember 16

What is a LOVE FEAST?

The ‘Love Feast’ dates back to the early days of the church. People would come together to worship and celebrate, but would do so in the form of a meal.

As we wrap up the end of 40 Days of Community, we want to celebrate by having our first ever Love Feast. We are asking ALL STUDENTS to bring a SIDE DISH and/or DESSERT. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just something you like to eat that you can share with everyone! We will all bring some food, spread it out, and then eat together as part of the night this Sunday (November 16, 2008).

The Student Ministry will be providing FRIED CHICKEN as the main dish!

Help us get the word out to everyone and make sure and don’t come alone! If you want, go to our Facebook group and let everyone know what you will be bringing and maybe some suggestions of what you hope other’s bring as well. See you at Elevate!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Middle School SUPER HERO Bowling

Middle School Super Hero Bowling Night

Saturday November 8

5pm - 7pm

Liberty Lanes in Stafford

$15 includes 2 hours of bowling, shoes, and food!!!

Come dressed as your favorite Super's gonna be fun!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Insert title here...

Thanks to those who participated in Trick-or-Treat for Hunger this past weekend! Sunday we had a good contribution to help stock the food pantry here at MABC. Congratulations to the three who won a free Elevation Weekend!!!

If you were not aware today is Election Day ’08, if you are registered and have not voted you have till 7pm to do so here in VA. We need to be in prayer for our country and those who are currently and will soon be in leadership.